Join the All of Us movement

A global employee initiative where individuals and teams pledge to transform Howden into the ultimate workplace. Each pledge strives to improve representation, create development opportunities, and foster a sense of belonging that everyone can take pride in.


Global Pledges

Howden pledges around the world
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Real change comes from the heart. A good pledge will be
one you can tell the world you’ve made a difference!

One pledge, infinite possibilities

A pledge is a promise to take a specific action that helps create a workplace we, and future generations, can be proud of. Your pledge can be big or small, individual or as part of a team.

It can be focused on improving representation, creating more development opportunities or building a culture where people are proud to belong.


Improving career opportunities for people from all walks of life

Mark Hudson
Group CFO, DUAL International Ltd

Pledge: To attract and retain finance talent across the Howden group, by supporting mobility across the group.


Philippe Lutgen
COO, Howden Europe


Pledge: To challenge gender bias, and encourage inclusive hiring practices.




Creating more opportunities to learn, develop and further ourselves and our community

Pledge in Action: Working with the Princes Trust – Reviewing a young person’s CV

Our Community Impact team provides Howden employees the opportunity to assist and collaborate with young people across the country by reviewing their CVs.


The Knowledge Exchange Programme


The Knowledge Exchange Program is an innovative program designed to foster collaboration across businesses, countries, and cultures.




Building a global community where people are proud to belong

Why join an ERG?

Our Employee Resource Groups (ERG) are vibrant communities where diverse perspectives are celebrated and valued.


Sam Vardy The Neurodiversity Forum

The Neurodiversity Forum is just one of the spaces where colleagues can openly talk about their experiences in a safe space.


What will you pledge?

Start with what you're passionate about. Maybe you want to see more underrepresented groups in the workplace or wish you had a mentor when you started your career. Take that passion and turn it into a pledge.