

This is the Howden Group cookie policy.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to record some aspect of a website and to provide information to the owners of the website.

How and why we use cookies

We use cookies to give you the best experience when you visit our website. By using cookies, we can make it easier for you to do many things, such as managing your accounts, policies, or login details, and applying for products and services. Cookies can also allow us to tailor the content of our website so we can show you services or adverts we think you may be interested in.

The types of cookies we use on this website

Cookies are now grouped as essential or optional - we will not set optional cookies without your consent.

The table below explains the cookies we use and what each is for.

SourceCookie name PurposeEssential?Cookie category
Google Analytics_ga _gidWe use Google analytics on our site to monitor performance and analyse traffic. These cookies are used to distinguish unique users for website analytics reports.NoMeasurement
Google Analytics and services__Secure-3PAPISID __Secure-3PSID __Secure-3PSIDCC _gat_gtag_[property ID] _gat_[property ID] 1P_JAR APISID HSID NID SAPISID SID SIDCC SSID SEARCH_SAMESITE DV UULE CONSENTThese cookies set by Google are advertising cookies used for user tracking and ad targeting purposes.NoTargeting and Advertising
Vimeo_fbp _ga _gcl_au _uetvid continuous_play_v3 Exps player VuidThese cookies allow Vimeo to collect usage information for Vimeo hosted videos, which we often embed on our site to enhance your experienceYesStrictly necessary
Iubendalocale country _pk_ses.10.10f8 _pk_id.10.10f8 _iubenda_session _pk_ses.1.04aa _pk_id.1.04aa _iub_cs-xxxxxxThese cookies are functional cookies that remember preferences set by users via the cookie banner on our site.YesStrictly necessary
Clarity_clck _clsk CLID MR MUID SMThese cookies are associated with the Clarity recording script when recording user activity on this site and contains a user's Clarity user identifier.NoMeasurement

Manage cookie preferences

You can update your cookie preferences at any time - please update here

Keeping your personal information safe

Our cookies do not store personal information such as your name, address, phone number or email in a format that can be read by others. The cookies we use cannot read or search your computer, smartphone or web-enabled device to obtain information about you or your family, or read any material kept on your hard drive.


Our website(s) may share information with Google via internet cookies, where you have agreed to this. You can find out more information about how Google uses data collected through cookies on Google’s Privacy & Terms site.

Links to sites provided by others

If you follow a link from our website to another website, please be aware that the owner of the other website will have their own privacy and cookie policies for their site. We recommend you read their policies as we are not responsible or liable for what happens at their website.

Changing your browser settings for cookies

You can adjust the settings in your web browser to determine whether sites can set cookies on your computer. If you've visited this website before, there may be previously set cookies on your computer. You can find out how to delete them from the sites listed below.